Anxiety Awareness


As it turns out, WordPress 5.0 did not solve my double-publishing to social media issue. I guess I just got lucky that my first blog post after the upgrade didn’t do it. I’m hoping the plugin author will fix this issue now that Gutenberg is live and not just an optional plugin. No signs of anything from the author yet though.


So the roommate is taking the day to go to Oil Nut Bay with her boyfriend. This leaves me all alone at home. So what do I do? Play some Minecraft! I decided to try my luck in the End, hoping for elytra, a shulker box, and some of that chorus fruit. Talk about luck, when I travelled through the gateway portal, I was transported right on top of an end ship!

After clearing that and collecting all the goodies I headed down the ground for some chorus fruit. Next step was to make my way back to the ship collecting most shells and stuff. Unfortunately, mob spawning rules prevented me from getting any more ender pearls. I had to bridge back over to the ship to save my last remaining pearl so I could go home.

I popped into my creative testing world for a little bit to design a couple contraptions. First was an automatic sugarcane farm. Pretty simple design, just a dispenser with bone meal on a toggle clock, an observer controlling a piston, and a hopper minecart to collect the goods. Next up was a simple button controlled automatic nether wart harvester.

Once back, I gathered up all my redstone stuff into a nice red shulker box and brought it over to the skeleton grinder. I couldn’t decide where to build the sugarcane farm so instead just built the automated nether wart harvester.

Eventually I figured out a decent place to put the automatic sugarcane farm. I even incorporated a couple of shulker boxes into it. One to feed bone meal, so a quick swap when it’s empty, and one to collect the sugarcane for easy transport. I even added a little light turns on to let me know the shulker box is full!

Next Project

I think the next big thing to work on is the guardian farm. After looking at a tutorial I have a good idea of how I’m going to do it. I’ll use the new bubble mechanic! I just need to go collect a lot of soul sand from the nether. No need to drain the ocean or build walls or anything. I will take down the existing temple to get more spawns, but there won’t be a lot more to do than that.


I need to make a call. Why does calling someone fill me with anxiety? Not like there’s anything wrong with it. Just a random thing for work, to check on the status of a shipment. But I have to psych myself up to call. Ugh, I hate my brain sometimes. It probably doesn’t help that potential work depends on the outcome of the call.

And as luck would have it, as soon as I steeled myself to make the call the shitty cell service reared its ugly head. So I drove on up there to find out what I needed wasn’t ready yet and probably wouldn’t be today because they had no power.

Pool Service

When I took over servicing pools for the company, the one here at the house wasn’t in great shape. I’m still trying to get it all nice and sparkly but it’s not going too well. I think there might be something wrong with the filter because when I vacuumed the damned thing it’s just spitting crap back out the jets.

Featured Image

Today’s featured image is after sunset. I wish I could get a good picture of the moon, but so far this is as good as I can do. I love the way the colors shift from the horizon.

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