Another couple of weeks encompassing my move to a new house. This one is also temporary, so hopefully I’ll be moving to a forever home in a few months.
My blogging is slowing down a bit. This one covers two weeks of my life. Not a whole lot of interesting going on, just lots of work.
This blog is getting harder and harder for me to keep up with. Not because it’s difficult, I’m just running out of motivation.
My creativity is faltering and I’m running out of ideas for titles. Doesn’t really make these posts any more interesting either.
Even with fewer full workdays I was crazy busy this week. Got a lot done, but I feel like I have so much more to do! Things just keep coming.
What do you do with your free time when you’ve got a slow week? I play video games and watch videos in my downtime mostly.
A week full of playing and making games, work, more work, accounting work, so much work. A lot was accomplished this week.
Even with holiday I’m still working it seems. No rest for the weary. Who am I kidding, there’s lots of time for rest too.
So much accounting this week, and I’m still not fully caught up. It’s getting so much closer though I can almost taste it.
The week was spent hard at work. Even my days off (really at most half days off). I did find time to enjoy myself, but not enough time to relax.