Two days blend into one all because of a site update. The new busines site is live! Don’t worry, I still found time for entertainment.
Two trips out in the morning before breakfast! A trip to check out a new villa we’ll be representing. And a stop to correct a slight mistake.
Breakfast For the first time in a while I actually cooked breakfast. It was just simple waffles, but they were…
Now that the works is done it’s time for a photo shoot of one villa. The place has really transformed since Irma came through.
Another day spent working on pools and accounting. There was a decent amount of tim available to play Factorio and the factory grows.
Time to pay some bills, maybe. . . Oh, and play Factorio . . . And play Stardew Valley . . . You know, just another day on the island.
Google searches to fill in a simple formula can help you determine the profitability of any business proposal.
What makes me the hero? An extraordinary act that saves the day, of course! And no, I’m talking IRL here, not in some video game.
A bunch of work and running around in the morning followed by a lot more work on the factory and some time on the farm.
Woops, I accidentally forgot about it and missed making a blog post. Here’s one post covering two boring days to make up for it.