They were trying to be quiet, I know they were, but I was already awake when they came downstairs. The sofa wasn’t bad for sleeping. Then I got to spend a good amount of time entertaining a seven year old while drinking my coffee.
No Man’s Sky
While my friend was off delivering his spawn to school I got some alone time with No Man’s Sky. It’s a lot as a remember it, but there’s definitely been changes. I’ve only just gotten to repairing my ship, haven’t even taken off yet. I’ve been watching a few YouTubers play the game, so I know the general flow of the early game.
Eventually we headed out to my storage unit. It was so hot and muggy today. I dug through all my bins and gathered the stuff I was looking for. It should all fit just nicely in my pack and bag for the trip home without any weight issues. Afterwards we got some food at Del Taco, then stopped by Target so I could get some new shorts.
Now it’s time to relax and enjoy some video games!
I spent a good deal of time playing Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime. It was my first time, and it was not what I was expecting. I really enjoyed it. I also spent a good deal of time in No Man’s Sky. Still working on the tutorial stuff. I had an audience too.
Wow, I can’t believe I’ve basically spent all day playing No Man’s Sky. I’m about ready to go to bed, but I have to outlast my host.