Helping Humanity

Help Me Help You

If you feel like you need help with anything, please reach out to me. I may not be able to assist, and if that’s the case I will be straightforward about it, while also trying to give you other resources that you may be able to use. My time is yours if you need it. Please just let me know what I can do for you.

How I Help

Over the past week I’ve been busy helping others to the best of my ability. It’s all part of how I am promoting myself. It may not seem like much, but I do what I can. There’s two main areas where I’ve been focusing my efforts, sharing my skills and sharing my wisdom. Both cases are similar in that they allow me to put my experience to use but I approach each one differently.

Sharing My Skills

Sharing my skills is pretty easy. When it comes to technical issues I do my best to break down potential solutions or share resources I have that might benefit others. I put together pre-made solutions to problems I see people having repeatedly, such as the Unity Visual Scripting Subgraphs I offer on my page. Or I throw together videos on my YouTube channel explaining topics.

As it stands, I could spend all my time doing these things if money weren’t an issue. I truly enjoy making videos and teaching people but it just isn’t paying the bills, at least not yet. My advice to anyone else facing these same issues is to just keep trying, which is what I’m doing. No matter how daunting it can be, or how defeated you feel, never give up!

Teaching a Lesson

Not long ago someone came to me with an issue in visual scripting in Unity. They didn’t understand how to address an issue where they had multiple identical objects in their scene and wanted only one to do something. After discussing the issue with them in depth I put together a video to show them ways to accomplish what they want and continued advising them on their issue.

Sharing My Wisdom

Which brings me to how I share my wisdom. The world is full of people, and with the world the way it is, a very large portion of those people suffer from mental and emotional issues. What better way is there to share my wisdom to help others than to take my life experiences and share what I’ve learned. No, I’m not perfect. I have made huge mistakes in my life.

Which is why I feel I can help others suffering through the same struggles I have overcome. I am able to draw upon my own life history to encourage others to grow. Whether they are having issues with a partner or are struggling with their situation, I offer up the sum of my life to help make everyone else’s better.

Guidance Given

I’ve reached out to many people who were seeking help. Just in the last few days I’ve talked a few people through emotional issues in their relationships. Due to my experience and outside perspective I was able to give them guidance by breaking the issue down so they could truly understand why the problem existed instead of just trying to address the symptoms.

One person I assisted was feeling overly emotional, but in the end they realized they were still suffering from trauma which they needed to address. Another person was suffering in an abusive relationship and hadn’t realized it. While a third person just needed reassurance that the path they’ve chosen was the right one. Every case is different but I feel like my history has given me something to offer every one.

Where I Help

In both cases, I’m seeking out others who need help because at this point I don’t have enough people coming to me directly. I spend time on Reddit advice subs looking for people who I can help. I visit programming forums in search of others asking questions. It isn’t the perfect way of finding those to help but it is working for now.

If you have any suggestions on how I can help more people, please let me know.

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