Not Again!!


This morning I awoke to more laptop issues. The MacBook powered on for a second then went off and now will not respond to anything. I opened it up again, no signs of any issues. Letting it sit for a while and charge in the hopes of the battery just being drained. I think if I get this thing working again I’m going to have to start shutting it down instead of putting it to sleep.

Once again I am looking into replacement laptops. I just don’t want to have to spend that much money on my limited budget. There are a couple of decent looking deals over at /r/LaptopDeals. I’d love to spend less than $500 on a replacement but it seems to get what I want I’ll have to go up to the $600-700 range.

I think that even if I can get the MacBook working again I may still buy a new laptop. The thing has become unreliable, the screen is all kinds of fucked up, and I’d hate to wait longer than I need to for a decent computer to use. For now I’m operating on the ancient Asus again.

Last time my MacBook crapped out I had added a few laptops I was interested in to an Amazon wishlist. They still seem to be decent computers, however I’ve added a couple more now. I’ve got to decide on a budget though. I’ve got five saved for now. I have a feeling I’ll end up spending about $800 on a new laptop unless some killer deal comes along. I think I may also see about getting a cooling pad too, since it gets so hot here.

Pimpin’ Beyotches

I figure I’ll take this opportunity to pimp some shit. I might actually do this every so often. My brother has been busy trying to sell off some of my father’s estate on eBay. Right now all he has listed is a bunch of Hallmark ornaments. But in case you’re interested in supporting me at all, check out what he has for sale.

Pools, Pools, and More Pools

Taking a quick lunch break from working on pools again. So far I’ve completed two pools and stopped halfway through the third. Had to come home to get some more chlorine tabs so decided that would be a good time for lunch. Next up is to finish the pool I started then on to the last two. Luckily, one will be easy, but I have a feeling the other will be some work.

Ugh, this is kicking my ass. That pool is not in great shape. I really hope we can get someone out soon to repair the broken chlorinator. Would make life so much easier not having to do so much work on that pool every time. Couldn’t service the last villa (2 pools) because the guests had the front door barred and I wasn’t going to bother them.

Free Time

I’ve got a bit of free time but all I want to do is play Factorio and I can’t because the MacBook is dead! I mean, I could jump on the Switch for some Minecraft or Radiation Island but neither of those appeal to me right now. I guess I could give Radiation Island a try though.

Radiation Island

Yeah, this game is pretty bad. Not sure exactly how much I’ll play it, but for now it’ll be my new go to. Supposedly there’s bits of story and it has an actual goal beyond being an open world survival game. Not exactly sure how to save or quit though, hopefully it saves on its own.


Once again I’ve got an excuse for not exercising. I’m so exhausted after all the pool work today. Plus, that was quite the workout! Not exactly what I’m hoping to do, but eventually I’ll get back to some kind of routine.

Featured Image

Today’s featured image was taken just after waking up. I thought the colors in the sky before sunrise combined with the sliver of the moon looked fantastic. Is it just me or can you barely make out the dark area of the moon as well?

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