Pool Prep
Ugh, we have people coming over today for a pool party and the pool is not ready for it. I was planning on spending a good deal of time working on it this morning but the weather doesn’t want to cooperate. Hopefully the rain will pass soon.
I was finally able to spend a good while working on the pool. It is now as good as it will be before the party, but it still isn’t good enough. Hopefully it’s not too bad for the partygoers.
I just realized that my cell phone is actually a more powerful computer than the laptop I’m stuck using in place of my MacBook. I guess I really should order a new one. Any suggestions?
A few new people. Lots of people I know. So many conversations I just have nothing to add to. Still a great time. The pool was good enough for the people, still not good enough for my taste. The party was a big hit though. I really enjoyed myself.
It really was a good time with everyone! Within minutes of everyone leaving (~10pm) I was in bed and ready to sleep. They were all off to Cocomaya for something or another.
Featured Image
Today’s featured image is an amazing cloud at sunset. The way the last light of the day hit just gives it such a vibrant color against the darkening sky.