Editor’s Note

Currently this is just the Google transcription of a new podcast idea I’m working on. I know what’s here isn’t correct, so please help me fix it if you can. I will update this page as I find it necessary.

Transcript of The Market Manipulation Game

Hello and welcome back to another episode of Quackpot Quandary Season 7, 41. I’ve been thinking about market manipulation and what it would take to actually manipulate the market on a scale that I believe or that not maybe, maybe I don’t believe but that I can imagine happening based on a hypothesis.

Is this is that I have put forth previously. Again remember this is not financial advice or any of that crap. I don’t know what I’m talking about. I’m just spouting crap out of my, my pie hole and you’re listening to it. Who knows if it’s real or fake? I don’t even know what I’m gonna call this episode yet.

How long it’s gonna be, we will find out turnover. All right. So anyway, What we’ve got, we’ve got stock market, right? We can assume we two two stocks, right? Two stocks GameStop. Bed Bath & Beyond. Right. Sure. Why not? We can, we can almost just agree that those two alone.

We feel like there are more, This has been done before to companies to the point where they’ve been destroyed from the inside out. Talk about like Sears Blockbuster or maybe Toys R Us. I don’t know, maybe maybe not, who knows what actually happened there, but the people who caused it to happen.

So anyway, we got at least these two companies. We feel there’s like at least, three, four more in this basket, whatever. So we’re talking about just one basket of like, six stocks, right? Let’s just say six. So you know what? Let’s just go. 10. Easy round numbers, right? And so 10 stocks and we’re talking On these 10 stocks along, we’re talking hundreds of millions of transactions per day right Throughout the day, hundreds of millions of transactions that you’re gonna have to be ahead of just for these few stocks, right?

Because that’s the kind of volume we were talking about here. Like, if we go back and we look at, we look at BBBY Our last couple of days. One day volume. See where was volume here? Show me. Show me the volume information. Um, where is it? I don’t know.

It was insane. It’s been insane. Eight. No, it’s, that’s the market cap. I don’t like Google’s list I much prefer. Weeble, and it’s chart. So let me pull that up here and I can just twitch it over to II. I’m I’m not supporting Weeble but hey if you want to support Weibo and you want to get into Weeble and stuff.

Let me know, I’ll give you a code or whatever, so I can get a free stock and then transfer somewhere else. Anyway so we’re talking about 136 million volume justice yesterday and then you know that that’s a hundred million that we talked about GameStop Gamestop, they had only 10 million, right?

But again so that hundreds of millions of transactions per day. Well. Okay. Hold on, let’s take this back because each share sold isn’t considered a transaction So they’re going to be bigger or less than that, right? So the actual transactions. What kind of volume do we see? Maybe break it down to a minute?

I mean I guess technically if we just break that out somehow over the daytime period or something, we could probably guess. But still we’re talking a lot of transactions just on 10 stocks, right? Because we have millions of and we’re having we’re actually having transactions as small as like one or two shares here and there from retail investors.

So, I mean that is realistically speaking possible, I mean we’re not gonna have that And then not only are we talking about the volume on the transactions, but then we’re talking about the the the the gamma and the delta and the squeeze potentials in the MACDs. And the and the and the and the TAs, and all these other variables that we use to track this information, you know, not only do we have the volume, we have the bids spread ask spread, we’ve got the actual spread in the purchases.

We see the historically how things go. You know, we have all this information that we use track these things. But If someone were to use this information and actually try to get ahead of this, there’s literally no way they could do this on a personal scale. They couldn’t do this on a one stock scale.

They would have to have a system built that does everything automatic according to certain inputs. Right. I mean, because just just for 10 stocks, right? You would have to have, like, Obviously, if you’re going to be manipulating, you couldn’t do this, you could not do this, you can’t just say, go out and make this happen, right?

It has to be done Electronically. Oops, sorry but ding bing, ding that should stop now. Anyway, so Therefore there has to be a system somewhere, right? That has a setting in it, where it says, if you know, maintain GameStop ticker price between these these things, right? And you’d have to have the same for multiple stocks, and then you’d have to have it, you have to be programmed to understand what it needs to do, What kind of trades it needs to execute, right?

So if that system exists, there has to be some way to find it. Somebody had to build it So That would be the smoking gun and you’ve got to be able to find a way to because I mean and it’s it’s got to be more than one system too because you to do.

What is hypothesized requires at least two parties to make happen, right? Because you can’t Wait, no no no, no, no, no, no. If you did only have one party, but it was say, I don’t know. Two different institutions, right? And they were working in conclusion, technically following rules, but breaking the spirit of the game.

Maybe not even technically following rules honestly. But still, I mean, What does that involve that? I mean, you have to have An organization with, I don’t know. Because The more people involved in that part of the scenario, the more likely, you’re gonna have a leak or you’re gonna have somebody talk.

So It has to be something at the top and only at the top of, I mean, like I could see a market maker and there subsidiary or cousin or whatever. I don’t know what kind of business language it is. And they’re fund, you know, working the world by creating synthetic shares through options trading, and whatever.

Like I could see something like that happening, but I could also see it happening with banks actually in collusion. But like you’re not gonna have like a freaking Brank manager over here. In your local whatever involved right? It’s got to be the top top somewhere and we know, I don’t know.

But there there’s evidence, if this is actually happening, there is evidence. There has to be evidence because this stuff doesn’t happen without evidence. So why can’t these trades? Just be tracked back. Why? Why is it so hard to track trading and wear everything out? Because because because there is a single institution right in the middle that does all of that.

A private institution that is supposed to be tracking all of this. And they are either complicit or they have been so mishandling everything that they just, that needs to be done, taking care of That. That’s what’s happening, right? So you either have you either have one group taking advantage of glitches, its found in the system and maybe the other group is now scrambling to cover up.

Maybe the other group has been in all along. Maybe the other group has been groomed. You never know, because I mean, we’ve seen talk of that in the past where people have some groomed, CEOs, or whatever, to take advantage of them, or put people in place as consultants to shut down businesses that they want to make fail, you know, all that kind of stuff.


So, I mean Is it an actual conspiracy between a specific group of individuals?

Who would those individuals be? I mean we know names right? How do they connect? We know they’re connected. Can we, can we find a connection between them with the money? Like We have records of all these companies and where they exist, right? Everything has to be filed. So maybe it’s there.

Maybe that’s what we should be investigating and not looking at the, The money side of things for ourselves. But look at the money side of things for what they’re doing, what? You know what have they filed with the SEC? What subsidiaries exist that could be hiding these things. What funds are out there?

Tied to all these people like People have done this before with the Panama papers, and whatever. All that stuff is that everybody forgot about because that’s what happens because it’s so hard. Finding the answers and then having, you know, consequences In this world, I don’t know, but this is going international.

So it is, It is a big thing. If the truth is that there is crime and I mean, is it crime if it’s technically following the rules? But it’s not within the spirit of the rules and that’s that’s for judge and jury, right? That’s that’s the whole mantra no cell.

No. Sell these people who actually acted in a coordinated effort against anybody, you know, any manipulation, whatever. They they belong to be identified and have justice served like real justice though. Like fix the world, make them help others, you know, that kind of thing. I don’t know. We’ve got a broken world that we need to fix and the stock market doesn’t help.

I think if anything it as it is now it is it is hurting the world overall but that might be a discussion for another time or one that I’ve had before, huh? Anyway, so let’s get back to the topic. Again, we’re talking about finding the paper trail here. We’ve got, we’ve got, we’ve got to have a massive computer.

Just just to maintain this, right? Because I mean, I mean you would have, I mean, it’s got to be hosted in the cloud somewhere, right? But it can’t be, it’s got to be hosted in one of their offices because they can’t have anyone at Amazon accidentally coming across their AWS instance.

That’s all like, manipulating the stock market, right? Or maybe that’s what they’re doing. Do they have? Who, who who’s their data provider, right? How can we, what can we legally do to find out about what’s going on? Is it possible? They didn’t, they build laws out there that let people find out.

Buy internet traffic from ISPs. Can we do that? You tell me. Can we buy the internet surfing data for these corporations and see what they’re doing? Maybe, I don’t know. Probably not. Maybe that’s, maybe that’s not what we want to do. Everybody wants to spend money for that kind of stuff, right?

No, no. Maybe there’s a freeway to find out that’s still legal and above board. Because you can’t fight crime with crime That is given. You cannot fight crime with crime. No. Huh, So what do we do? What do we do? Okay, anyway, so they’ve got to have and it’s, I mean, it’s gonna be, it’s gonna be close to Wall Street, right?

Isn’t there like specific locations that have certain things? So I mean it’s going to be it’s gonna be something how’s within something else. So, they don’t have, I mean they must have full control over it because they would not entrust something like that to someone who’s not involved. There’s no way there is no way.

You leave your crime computer sitting with an MSP. You don’t do that. You know, the crime computer that is rigging the entire system and it’s you can’t just be one computer too. You know, I mean I think about just even 10 stocks controlling all these numbers constant calculations on every single transaction.

That’s constantly coming through. I mean, we literally get a transaction per second for each one of these. So I mean and it’s got to do all these massive calculations, right? And because we’re talking, we’re talking numbers that are beyond practical computer limits too, right? Because we’re talking billions trillions, right?

And if you do this in a normal calculator or whatever you’re gonna get, maybe some weird numbers. What is the? Um, you gotta, I don’t know, it just it just gets more complicated. The larger, the numbers get, and that means more computing power. So, you know, they’re gonna have specialized computers probably running GPUs almost like a freaking mining setup for for Bitcoin or something, right?

And so it’s, it’s got to be so much more than just like, you know, your standard processor thing, you know, whatever servers that the freaking traders are signing into that. Has that stupid ugly terminal and all that. It’s not, it’s not gonna be like that. It’s gonna be something much more powerful, then what we see there.

But I mean, maybe it’ll have a similar interface. I don’t know. Could it be that simple? I mean it would to have been built After 2008 so it probably would still be running on some old school technology. I mean it because we’re not talking about like, oh, when did Bitcoin drop?

Let’s see. When did Bitcoin hit? Give me just a second here. Oh, and did bitcoin stock? Yeah, there we go. Wait a bitcoin, start 2009. Okay, so that is That is right after The big crisis in 2008, right? So it’s possible that somebody at that point and said, oh, our climbing isn’t done yet.

Let’s put together a bunch of money and let’s build a new climbing, you know, and maybe they’ve evolved. And I mean you don’t heck I mean there’s speculation that they’re even using Bitcoin, right? So, we’re talking minimum 10 securities alone or 10 things, I mean, we got, we were talking about a lot more than that because we’re talking about other things.

And then, then we’ve got all these different trading institutions, right? We’ve got all the brokers each one individually that they’re going to be so they’re accepting all these connections in from these houses or however it goes. I don’t know. I don’t really know how it works. But However, the system works, it’s got to be there.

It’s got to be ready to bounce. A lot of numbers it almost a moment’s notice and it has to be you know, we’re talking 10, 20 30, 40 different things, it’s moving on screen. So, like, if we’re thinking about this, in terms of a computer game because this is, this is what I’m comparing it to, what would it takes For my average computer to get it kind of bogged down overloaded here.

So, We’re talking calculations in the trillions, right? That have to balance out on multiple sides of an equation within certain limits. And we’re talking billion dollar market caps across say, 10 different areas, whether you’re talking about Bitcoin. Any? I mean, any of the coins just saying tan, right? We’re starting with 10.

So we’ve got 10 different things and then each of those things can probably have like, let’s just say, four different options for them, because you’ve got the buy, you got the sell, you got the, put you got the call, right? We’ll just say. So, you talk about 40 different objects that your manipulating here and then each one of those you have ranges for what you can do where you want it to be.

And you have like some other classification for where it should be, you know, or where it’s at all, that sort of stuff. So, I mean, I guess it really, for 10. It wouldn’t take a lot. I guess in everyday computer could probably do that, you know, because you got, you’re just talking about 40 objects, manipulating some variables here and there and making sure that things go through and and then you’ve got all the tactics and tricks that they can use.

So we really wouldn’t be all that hard to build and then if you got it working for a few, you know, you just expand it, you just buy more and you just start doing it for more things because I mean, nobody notices, you’re not breaking the rules, right? You’re just using loopholes and well maybe you are breaking the rules because, you know, nobody gets to see this but you, this is what a dark pool is, right?

I mean, is it is it alternative training system? It does the work to maintain something and it has an imperative in it that this must happen. You must grow this number. And then this number must stay within this range. And this number must stay within this range, unless this happens.

And then these things all feed off each other and you have volumes and stuff. And I mean eventually that a system like that if it’s always siphoning out and then people hold it will snap because it doesn’t have room and something will break but it will take a long time to do that with a computer because it knows the rules better than we do and it knows what it can do.

But Huh, okay, so there is that That is an interesting take on the idea. So I mean it I can build a system if I had a billion dollars to do it, right? I mean, it’s just simple math. Anybody could do this with just a few dollars actually, maybe maybe that’s the next thing.

Let’s let’s work together and build an automated trading system for ourselves, that will just grow our bank accounts every day. It. I mean, now that that couldn’t work because we don’t have the money that’s needed to begin the the market manipulation, right? And then, that would be market manipulation, which I mean, Is it a market manipulation already?

I don’t know. The market is a fraud. That’s all there is. Anyway this is all just opinion there’s really you know nothing true to any of this, right? Right. I don’t think so. I don’t know what I’m talking about. Anyway, I have no idea how any of this stuff works.

I just read things and talk out my my pile. All right. I’ll catch you guys on the flip side. I have no idea what the name of this episode yet. I might even have to relisten to it and fighting the computer. No, the computer, The power behind The manipulation.

Maybe yes, something like that. Anyway, thanks for joining me. I’ll catch you next time. Bye-bye.

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