A moody week where I don’t do a whole lot worth mentioning. At least I’ve made it through February and I’m still breathing.
Spent nearly a week without the truck, but it’s finally back! Started training the puppy on the new invisible fence. I even socialized!
Truck is in the shop, sorely needed, but unexpected. Things are harder when I don’t have a vehicle. But at least I got January’s accounting done!
I read a book this week! A book that has actually motivated me to work harder (and smarter) on the things I do. And it’s really working, so far.
It felt like too much work this week. Working with housekeepers, work at home, work on pools, even work in Warframe. But its paying off.
I survived through another of the Earth’s revolution around the Sun! I even went out to a social event and enjoyed some roasted pig!
It’s Thanksgiving week and my family is in town. Doesn’t stop the work from happening, but it did lead to some good times.
This week I have my brother visiting so we did all the fun stuff; attended Taste of Virgin Gorda, and visited Oil Nut Bay for the first time.
Another week has passed. I’ve spent some time in preparation for gardening! I also started playing a new (to me) game, Warframe.
Another couple of weeks starting with a holiday. The usual kind of stuff, but I’ve been thinking about getting back to game development.