Starting the day off with internet issues is no fun. Finished Sleeping Dogs, checked out another game. . . that didn’t go so well.
Seems like anything that could go wrong did go wrong. But I had my first solo checkin today. Definitely prefer not to have to do that.
I’m packed and ready for my trip, I hope. Not a whole lot going on what with the upcoming vacation. Video games, lots of video games. . .
Leaving for Atlanta soon. Vacation from a tropical island to Atlanta? Gotta get some stuff prepared to go on vacation for Dragoncon!
Just another average day. Video games, inconsiderate people, and creative writing. One day maybe this site will be worth visiting.
Two new sections of the site are coming soon. Today I spent some time adding new pages for future content. I’m feeling creative.
Pinterest proposes a particularly perplexing problem. Praisers pronounce Pinterest’s painstakingly pinned pages perfection.
Three good photos of birds to post to Instagram in one day! A little bird told me there’s a good joke or pun in there somewhere.
A day with more games than work, what else could anyone ask for? Someone else to clean my room? Maybe a nice drive over the mountain in some rain.
Starting your day by helping a lost kid (the goat kind) can be very cute and rewarding. Same can be said for studying your Google Analytics.